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Interface Tx

A transaction on the blockchain or in the mempool.


  • Tx



block: undefined | BlockMetadata

Block data for this tx, or undefined if not mined yet.

inputs: TxInput[]

Inputs of this transaction.

lockTime: number

locktime field of the transaction, tx is not valid before this time.

network: Network

Which network this tx is on.

outputs: TxOutput[]

Outputs of this transaction.

slpErrorMsg: undefined | string

A human-readable message as to why this tx is not an SLP transaction, unless trivially so.

slpTxData: undefined | SlpTxData

SLP data about this transaction, if valid.

timeFirstSeen: Long

UNIX timestamp when this tx has first been seen in the mempool. 0 if unknown -> make sure to check.

txid: string

Transaction ID.

  • On BCH, eCash and Ergon, this is the hash of the tx.
  • On Lotus, this is a special serialization, omitting the input scripts.
version: number

version field of the transaction.

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