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Interface TxInput

Input of a tx, spends an output of a previous tx.


  • TxInput



inputScript: string

Script unlocking the output, in hex encoding. Aka. scriptSig in bitcoind parlance.

outputScript: undefined | string

Script of the output, in hex encoding. Aka. scriptPubKey in bitcoind parlance.

prevOut: OutPoint

Points to an output spent by this input.

sequenceNo: number

sequence field of the input; can be used for relative time locking.

slpBurn: undefined | SlpBurn

SLP tokens burned by this input, or undefined if no burn occured.

slpToken: undefined | SlpToken

SLP tokens spent by this input, or undefined if the tokens were burned or if there were no tokens in the output spent by this input.

value: Long

Value of the output spent by this input, in satoshis.

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