Block size of this block in bytes (including headers etc.).
Block hash of the block, in 'human-readable' (big-endian) hex encoding.
Height of the block; Genesis block has height 0.
nBits field of the block, encodes the target compactly.
Total number of tx inputs in block (including coinbase).
Total number of tx output in block (including coinbase).
Number of txs in this block.
Block hash of the previous block, in 'human-readable' (big-endian) hex encoding.
Total number of satoshis burned using OP_RETURN.
Total block reward for this block.
Total number of satoshis spent by tx inputs.
Total number of satoshis in non-coinbase tx outputs.
Timestamp of the block. Filled in by the miner, so might not be 100% precise.
Generated using TypeDoc
Block info about a block